By: Poppie
Fall is my favorite time of year. The leaves are starting to change colors, the heat is fading, the kids are heading back to school, but most importantly, it’s football season!!! And football season means Tailgating Parties with family and friends!
What started out with a few sandwiches and a couple of beers before the game has evolved into a great American sports tradition, especially among the college football crowd. Every year my sisters and I take turns hosting a party at our house and this year will be no different. In fact, we've already got the first game planned out. Call us over achievers, but one can't be too zealous when it comes to football!Whether you are heading to the game to tailgate, having a party in your home, or out on your patio, here is my ultimate guide for anyone to host the best tailgating party of the season!
Think of your Tailgate Party as a mini production along the lines of camping meets sports bar. Here's is a list of party must haves:
ü Grill and grill supplies.
ü Coolers (best if with wheels) and don’t forget the ice.
ü Seating (coolers can double as seating).
ü Decorations such as flags, banners, streamers, and other team affiliated materials.
ü Radio, boom-box, or portable television.
ü Blankets, lighting, citronella candles or torches, bug spray, sunscreen, and so forth for both day and night games.
ü Card tables and table covers.
ü Food and beverages (tip: If traveling, select food that can either be cooked ahead and transported to the event or cooked there on a grill).
ü Plates, napkins, silverware, cups, bottle opener, trash bags (to clean up your area afterwards), and so on.
Hot items: The grill is a centerpiece of many tailgate parties. In addition to traditional burgers, hot dogs and brats, you can grill kebabs, chicken, ribs, pork chops, or fajitas. A big pot of chili on a portable burner is another popular food option.
Cold Items: If you prefer to leave the grill at home, you can always pack sandwiches for the occasion. Cold subs, sliced into manageable portions, with all the condiments are the classic choice. If you’re budgeting, you might want to consider making the rest of the menu potluck. Get your friends to bring side dishes, snacks, and desserts to round out the menu choices.
Drinks: Do I even need to mention beer as a staple? Depending on the size of your party, a keg may be an easier choice since it serves many people. Another option is serving beer or soda in these fun “referee” koozies to keep them cold. Another new trend is making signature drinks in your team colors - such as red for a Husker Party (okay, I had to sneak my team in there at least once! J ).
Ps- Please drink responsibly at all parties you host or attend this season!

Drinks: Do I even need to mention beer as a staple? Depending on the size of your party, a keg may be an easier choice since it serves many people. Another option is serving beer or soda in these fun “referee” koozies to keep them cold. Another new trend is making signature drinks in your team colors - such as red for a Husker Party (okay, I had to sneak my team in there at least once! J ).
Ps- Please drink responsibly at all parties you host or attend this season!
Bring poster board, glitter and markers to make posters. Make sure to buy supplies in your team's colors. Helium balloons, also in team colors, are a good way to decorate and designate your venue area. Don't forget that markers work on balloons as well. While you're stocking up, grab some body paint so that you and your guests can paint your faces if you like.
Another way to designate your area is with flag banners or tape around your party area. Use football themed paper or plastic plates, cups, and accessories for your food and serve on a football field table cover. Or buy the table cover in your team color (let’s say red or white) and buy green place mats and draw a football field on the placemats for extra ambience. If you have room, time, and strong men, forgo the folding chairs and bring an old couch covered with a slipcover in your team color to make your guests feel extra comfortable. Don't forget the penalty flag to throw down when the ref makes an unfair call.
Hype the #1 Fan Contest by letting everyone know ahead of time that there will be a prize for most enthusiastic wardrobe. Bring the beads, face paint, hats, glitter, tattoos, foam fingers and anything else you can glue to your body and let the good times roll. For prizes, think game-day paraphernalia like team cups, key chains, bobble heads or, if you are feeling generous, tickets to the next game. (Ps, if you decide on this for your prize, please invite me to your party, especially if you're a Husker fan!)
Whether college or a pro game, a well planned tailgating party, complete with organized set-up, a variety of delicious food, fun activities, fanatical fans, and all the essentials, can add to the team spirit and make your party the Ultimate Tailgating Experience!
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